Monday, September 21, 2009

The P90X Workout--Day one.

Well it has finally begun. It's a long time coming--but I finally did it. Day 1 Complete.

I purchased the P90X workout from Ebay this past spring. Because I didn't have 90 days at the time of buying I decided I would wait until fall to start the workout. Let me tell ya, this is not a piece of cake. It is an intense workout incorporating all the major and minor muscles groups in a given muscle set, i.e the "Chest and Back" workout (which consisted largely of a variety of pull-up and push-up exercises) targets your pectorals, your deltoids, your triceps, biceps, lats, traps, rhomboids.

In short, it is an all-inclusive, hour-long workout which will definitely bring you to muscle failure at the right time--assuming, of course, that you work out with the proper amount of weight and to the correct intensity.

This workout is not for the faint-of-heart. It is intimidating. It IS difficult. It is designed for the person who wants change in his or her life. I have been working out regularly for the past 2 years. I'm in great shape but I've haven't been able to get the results I've been searching for with my own personal workout regimens.

Now don't get me wrong. I want all of you out there to do this workout! It is really easy to start. All you need is an Irongym pull up bar, and some dumbbells. That's it. Of course, if you want to get the real results, I suggest following the nutrition guide as closely as you can. That is my plan.

Alright you take it easy and watch for my next update!